These are the Official Named Sagas in DragonBall AF. Even though Toei Animation and Funimation have nothing to do with it, and original Dragonball Creator Akira Toriyoma has no thoughts of continuing the Dragonball Series, Fans will not let the Series die, even if it means using all their time a day drawing fake Pictures of Cartoon Characters. Not too long ago after, Toyble, a Company in Japan started making Pictures and even a Manga (Japenese Comic Book) about it. Soon, Xicor, a Half God-Half Saiyan Man was made with a story behind him. New Transformations and New Characters started being made. Fan's started making more pic's and more pic's and then made videos on Youtube about it.
When a Big Fan made a Well-drawn pic of a Super Saiyan 5 Goku. Dragonball AF was all Started by Fans long ago after Dragonball GT ended, as a sequel to the Dragonball Series.